Electronic Radar Watchdog


Police say a barking dog is an excellent way to deter burglars and this one never needs food, water or to be taken for a walk.  Rex Plus is the ideal watchdog because he does what ever the best living, breathing watchdog can’t do (without some of the annoying problems that go with owning a dog).  With his electronic radar eyes, Rex Plus can “see” through thick doors, wall and glass.  And once his cord is plugged into any standard 110v AC electrical outlet, he’ll stay on duty around the clock, indefinitely.

Rex behaves just like a REAL DOG! The closer an intruder gets the louder and more frequent the barking. Our radar activated electronic watchdog never sleeps and GOES NUTS at the approach of anyone who enters the activation range you have selected. If you prefer a different alert sound while you are home choose the soothing sounds of a rainforest instead of the dog. You can choose from four settings: continual tranquil sounds of the rainforest, alert sound of an angry and protective watchdog, soft, soothing sounds to alert you of a guest’s arrival, and alert sounds of both the angry watchdog and a warning siren.

Ideal for homes, apartments, mobile homes, RVs, jewelry stores, hotels, public and private buildings of virtually every kind.

Business owners: You can also use Rex indoors too. Choose a location inside your home or business where you want to detect movement. Aim Rex toward that area and select the activation range. When a person or animal moves into your selected alert zone the alarm is sounded with the sound you have chosen.



  • Plugs into any standard electrical outlet.
  • Reliable 24 hour protection.
  • Volume control.
  • The closer an intruder gets the louder and more frequent the barking.
  • Perfect for all public and private buildings.
  • Switches from watchdog mode to tranquil sounds of nature with the switch of a button.
  • Radar activated alarm/alert system.




  • Reliable 24 hour protection
  • No installation required
  • Protection with none of the problems of owning a real dog
  • Very realistic – barking gets louder and more frequent as intruder gets closer
  • Switches from the watchdog to the tranquil sounds of nature with the simple switch of a button
  • Variable distance sensitivity (up to 30 feet) as well as volume control
  • Senses movement through walls, doors and glass to alert you of a visitor’s arrival
  • Maintenance free
  • Scares away Rabbits as per Readers Digest Sept, 2004
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